This morning we had the opportunity to walk in the forest. This walk was different than the previous, as this was on what is referred to as terra firma. This is forest that does not flood during high-water season, and subsequently the flora and fauna reflect that difference. Size variance went from fig tree sentinels, to diminutive frogs that could sit on your thumbnail and have room to spare.

With the green palette of the forest as a backdrop, the blazing red of a passionflower was a stand-out sighting. Other red brush-like flowers littered the forest floor along with white petals.  Everything entering the realm of recycling by fungi and bacteria. 

In the afternoon the mirror-like quality of black water creek was a stunning mirror for the sky and forest edge. We searched for macaw and found two species: the blue-and-yellow and the red-and-green, a lovely rainbow of macaws to end our day with!