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Harry Christensen

Harry is a marine biologist by trade, with extensive experience in educating people about the biodiversity of Indo-Pacific Coral Reefs.  For over 25 years he has worked within the tourism industry providing educational programs to visitors in the Torres Strait, Great Barrier Reef, Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, South Pacific, Southeast Asia and Kimberley regions.

He has also been employed for many years on the exclusive Lizard Island in Queensland, Australia and was responsible for bringing the diversity and fragile nature of the reef to the island’s guests’ attention.  It was here that Harry started producing a series of nature-based newsletters, as well as compiling educational programs on the Island’s flora.  Harry was called upon to help establish Poruma Island Resort on Coconut Island, a tiny coral cay in the Torres Strait.  This island was seen as the most viable option for creating employment for the Torres Strait Islanders and Harry was responsible for recruiting and training the local indigenous people to work at the resort.

Harry also has extensive experience in the Kimberley region, where he worked as a guide and as an expedition leader for several seasons.