Dawn found National Geographic Orion nearing the Baby Islands: a small archipelago of, yes, small islands near Unalga Island in the Fox Islands group of the Aleutian Islands. These low, rocky islands are the nesting sites of thousands of seabirds such as tufted puffins and whiskered auklets. The range of whiskered auklets’ range in North America is limited to only about ten islands on the Aleutian Chain and we were lucky to see small flocks of them flying and on the water here. On Zodiac excursions here were surrounded by tufted puffins—thousands of them.

This afternoon we docked at Dutch Harbor, the busiest fishing port in the United States. Here we hiked up mountains, toured this interesting and historic town, and took a nature hike along a spit where we saw many beautiful flowers and birds that were new sightings to some of us.