Today we continued our journey in the Peruvian Upper Amazon. Just after breakfast, we visited a village in the Amazonas. Here we experienced firsthand how people live in the Upper Amazon region of Peru. Guests marveled at how the little things in life we take for granted can mean so much for other people in a different environment.

We had a brief but meaningful encounter with a welcoming committee formed by Minga Peru, a non-profit founded in 1998 with mission to promote social justice and the fostering of women and families in the remote rural areas of the Peruvian Amazon. The group has developed various projects to drive toward these goals, including technical training in agroforestry, crop cultivation, and fishpond development has proven invaluable for promoting economical sustainability of many people.

A torrential shower found us on our way back to the ship, then in the early afternoon before transiting toward the next visitor site we found ourselves at Clavero Lake. Activities began with swimming in this beautiful ox-bow lake. We came back just in time to go on a skiff ride around the lake to access one of the adjoining creeks. This brought several good wildlife sightings including three-toed sloths, chestnut-eared aracaris, parrots, one purple-throated cotinga, as well as neotropical cormorants, greater anis, flycatchers and swallows.