After waking up in Anita Bay of Etolin Island, our morning aboard National Geographic Sea Lion started with an epic sighting of a female coastal brown bear and her two cubs. A chum and king salmon hatchery were active nearby, enticing the bears to forage close to shore. Bushwhacking and combing through the beach area were offered. After climbing up and crawling under trees, the bushwhackers made it back to the ship, tired but in one piece. We soon picked up anchor and sailed to Wrangell, where guests went on a jetboat tour up the Stikine River, visited Chief Shakes’ Longhouse, or explored the town of Wrangell on their own. To end the evening, our naturalists and a few crewmembers modeled Ray Troll shirts during recap. Ray Troll’s band, the Ratfish Wranglers, played in the background as staff were announced and strutted around the lounge revealing their Ray Troll art.