It is morning. We are at sea, heading in a southerly direction. There is sky and sea in all directions. Ragged lines of clouds give character to the sky. Long swells with sharp wind crests give the impression of strength in a youthful sea. However, neither face of our journey feels threatening, somehow it seems like more of a promise of clean skies and clear sailing as we head for the Straits of Magellan. To our starboard, the nearest land is low and currently invisible. Our horizon is endless. 

We will reach the Straits early this evening and begin our transit from eastern South America to Western South America; from Argentina to Chile; from Patagonian Steppe to Andean shrub land and forest, as we pass through the Andes Mountains at their lowest point. Tomorrow we will search for new sights, new insights and perhaps lovely flowers, like another species of lady’s slipper, not the orchid, but rather the snapdragon. 

Today, on the other hand, is a day to work on photos, bring the journal up-to-date, attend a lecture or two, read a book and to make those important decisions:  meat or fish or perhaps the vegetarian. For me it is time to switch books and clothing, as things are about to get even more interesting!