We started the morning with some drizzle but that didn’t stop us from going exploring, we protected all our camera gear and wore some ponchos to immediately start our morning skiff ride in the flooded forest of Atun Poza.

We observed parrots, parakeets and squirrel monkeys. Then we stopped to visit a small village of a very few inhabitants; from the youngest to the oldest inhabitant, they all had a big smile on their faces, sharing with us their very special handmade crafts. This tiny community prides itself in making the best embroideries featuring Amazon animals and plants.

Our guests who have travelled the world and visited a number of communities and handicraft markets, were very surprised to see the beautiful elaborated embroideries.

We came back to the ship and the hotel department had prepared a cooking class of a very traditional dish, ceviche, our travelers not only learnt how to cook this at home but also got to try this delicious dish.

After lunch we visited Pacaya River, it takes very skillful drives to navigate in the very intricate network of channels covered in floating vegetation, several kinds of king fishers were spotted and a couple of grey river dolphin. We finally arrived in a big black water lagoon where we plunged into the water to cool off, we were swimming surrounded by trees, birds flying above us and unique sounds could be heard at the distance, an unforgettable day in the Upper Amazon.