We continued with our expedition in the Upper Amazon, admiring the beauty of the vast rainforest and the astonishing diversity of lifeforms. The number of species of trees you can find in a patch of forest together with the biodiversity and size of birds and insects is incredible. This morning before breakfast we explored Dorado River and the forest along the riverbank. As we explored, we found parrots flying, foraging and making their unmistakable calls. A lot of the trees are currently bearing fruit, which makes it much more common to find troops of monkeys—but this morning we found the uncommon. It was a troop of squirrel monkeys together with saddleback tamarins, relaxing and eating right in front of us! There were also flocks of cormorants and great egrets flying above us. In the trees close to the river, we had black-collared hawks waiting for the right moment to catch fish for their first meal of the day. Among the grasses and trees of the riverbanks, there were king fishers and caimans! So much life in every direction!

After breakfast, we explored another spot on the shore of the Ucayali River. This time we explored the newly exposed sand left by the lowering water level of the river. It is the low water season, and rivers have less water than a couple of months ago. These conditions create beaches along certain areas on the shore, which makes for good hiking and birdwatching, as you can find both shore birds and land birds together. For example: egrets, storks and plovers together with large-billed terns and smooth-billed anises.

In the afternoon, we explored Belluda Creek, also on the shore of the Ucayali River. Here, we boarded expedition watercraft and headed out into the forest. As soon as we began, we spotted a troop of monk saki monkeys running along the branches of the canopy. Later, we also spotted a troop of red howler monkeys! This creek also harbors an interesting collection of birds such as cardinals, toucans, and a variety of hawks.

It was another day in paradise!