We started the day with an early walk in Punta Cormorant, Floreana Island. To our surprise, we found a group of flamingoes feeding in the brackish pond. We could also observe tracks of green sea turtles that are starting to visit the beaches as the nesting season approaches. After breakfast, we went for a Zodiac ride and snorkeling along the coast of Champion, a tiny but beautiful islet. Here, we were lucky to see white-tipped reef sharks and many other species of fishes. While Captain Eduardo Neira navigated towards our next destination, we enjoyed a delicious lunch.

In the afternoon we had the chance to kayak and paddle-board in a beautiful, calm lagoon where we could enjoy an outstanding landscape surrounded by animals such as sea turtles, frigatebirds, flamingoes, sea lions and baby white-tipped reef sharks. We ended our day with a visit to Post Office Bay, where we had the chance to talk about the human history of the Galapagos Islands, followed by a time at the beach where guests could enjoy swimming and walking during the sunset.