Friday Harbor, San Juan Islands

Waking up to a gorgeous sunrise and clear skies along this scenic stretch of Southern British Columbia was a pleasant and welcoming surprise as we continued the last leg of our journey, and re-entry into United States waters later this morning. As if to grace our entrance, intermittent fog and clearing offered interesting and enticing opportunities for viewing and photography, as the National Geographic Sea Lion lazily cruised along in smooth calm seas, between large and small landmasses, amidst foghorns and other sea vessels of varying sizes.

Harbor seals poked curious heads just off the shores of islands, and birders on board were especially excited when one island in particular offered up a variety of birds such as double-crested cormorants, Canada geese, black oyster catchers, Arctic and common terns, as well as bald eagles. It was especially exciting to see Heermann gulls, as this is the edge of their northern migration territory and late in the season to spot them.

The fog lifted and to our elation, orcas appeared off our starboard side, possibly following the current off the Fraser River, rich with salmon. All sizes of the large dorsal fin popped up near and far as we cruised along side them, paralleling their path. Larry Hobbs, Naturalist on board, identified the group as members of the J, K and L pods, which total approximately 87 in number, making a comeback, after being pilfered for aquariums not so long ago.

Later in the morning, Margrit Ulrich, Naturalist from Costa Rica and a guest on board, gave an enthusiastic talk about her country and the itinerary of the National Geographic Sea Lion beginning in October through April. The diversity of the eco-systems, the exotic wildlife and passing through the Panama Canal, make this a unique excursion indeed. She concluded by showing the video chronicle of a typical trip there, and answered guests’ questions.

Afternoon had us clearing customs and entering Friday Harbor for an afternoon of shopping, visiting the Whale Museum and enjoying an ice cream or beer in this quaint sea town. Captain’s farewell talk and dinner, as well as guests sharing individual highlights of our incredible journey concludes our time together and the finale of another successful season in Alaska for this vessel. We take home great memories, photos and stories, as well as new friendships and a deeper appreciation of these wild places that provide a home to so much beauty and wildlife. Our hope is that it stays preserved for our return and generations to come!