Floreana and Isabela Islands

Any given trip to the Galápagos Islands will be filled with excitement and great sightings. The latter statement, I am so glad to tell you, is one of the many reasons why we love this paradisiacal archipelago so much. Today has not been an exception. During our recap time I asked our guests, “What were the highlights or special moments that you enjoyed the most today?”

By general consensus, swimming with sea lions on Champion Islet by Floreana Island was a real favorite. Next was a huge, not exaggerating, huge flock of blue footed-boobies diving for food along the coastline near Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island. The amazing feeding frenzy flock was estimated to be not less than two thousand individuals. Just like a meteor shower the boobies were falling from the sky like swift javelins. Walking on a boardwalk among beautiful and intriguing marshes was a true delight. Seeing the giant tortoises for the first time was mentioned as well. For me the highlight is always the chance to spread the word of conservation. The branch of the Charles Darwin Research Station on Isabela Island is one of the best places to admire the efforts that this institution together with the Galápagos National Park are doing to preserve this magical archipelago. Every single day this worldwide famous and unique place gives us constant happiness to our minds and hearts.