Wow, the photo says it all. To be able to see up close the eye of a gray whale is something you will always remember. You certainly feel that there is someone in there seeing you, feeling and being connected with the surrounding environment. We had a wonderful day in Bahia Magdalena, one of the gray whale sanctuaries along the pacific coast of the Baja California Peninsula. We went out whale watching four times during the day, and had a chance to go ashore as well, to one of the most pristine beaches in the world. Where you don’t see any type of development, no one else walking along, just a beautiful long, wide beach that stretches for miles and miles. Seeing these places encourages all of us to work hard to promote the conservation of this place, and keep it this way for many, many more years.

When we were out in the bay, whale watching, most of us were blessed by the whales. They decided they wanted to have a close encounter with us, approached our zodiacs and allowed us to touch them, feel them and get a better understanding of their own wonderful world. I am sure that this experience will plant a seed in our hearts forever, and makes us want to be involved in the conservation of wildlife and natural resources.

No words can better express the feelings towards whales, than what this photo says. Keep it close to your heart and feel fortunate for being part of this magical moment.