On our first day of exploration, we arrived at North Seymour, an island famous for its large colony of great and magnificent frigate birds. At the beginning of our walk we spotted the first land iguana, after that we found several more feeding and sunbathing close to the trail.

Along the coast we found blue-footed booby couples, Galapagos sea lions, and marine iguanas. We even witnessed a couple of marine iguanas engaged in a fierce fight. At this time of the year, male marine iguanas are defending their territories because it is their mating season.

Towards the middle of the morning, we returned aboard and began navigating to Rabida Island. We had a nice smooth navigation and arrived at the anchorage site after lunch. This island has the most beautiful landscape: The cliffs are bright red while the coast has many green lush saltbushes and mangroves.

Our activities this afternoon included snorkeling from the shore and from Zodiacs. We had a great walk along the coast where we found green sea turtles and a very persistent male sea lion that kept barking at his females. It was a great opportunity to appreciate and observe nature while surrounded by incredible landscapes.

At the end of the afternoon, we returned to National Geographic Endeavour II and had a great evening listening to our first round of recaps of the week. Adventure has just begun!