The morning greeted us with beautiful and calm conditions. Ann Marie led a stretch class for guests as we anchored in our morning location, Pavlof Harbor. After breakfast, guests enjoyed a morning of kayaking and hiking. Kayakers were delighted to find a plethora of marine life, including plumose anemones and sea stars galore. They were even able to hold a sea cucumber! We paddled around the bay under the warm, sunny skies of Southeast Alaska before we came ashore for some walking. Many had their first bushwhack experience, while others meandered along the beach and enjoyed some photography lessons from Leo.

The afternoon was spent looking for whales and bears along the coast of Chichagof and Baranof Islands as we sailed to our destination, Sitka. Our time on board was relaxed, and we were delighted to find humpbacks in Peril Strait along with beautiful scenery and quiet, reflective moments to reminisce on our week aboard National Geographic Sea Lion.