It was a sunny morning cruising through Wrangell Narrows, a perfect day for sipping coffee on the bow looking for wildlife. We watched nearby boats fishing the Narrows, as well as eagles, ravens, and deer, searching for food as well.

By afternoon, we made it to Petersburg. a quaint, fishing town in Southeast Alaska. There’s no forgetting the Norwegian heritage of this area, as the town is adorned with Norwegian flags, signs, and even a Viking ship at the town’s entrance.

We spent the sunny afternoon exploring the shops and downtown area of Petersburg, which spans about a three-block radius. Many of us also set out on bikes or hikes to explore the nearby forests and muskegs, a bog environment covered in sphagnum moss and unique plants, including the carnivorous sun dew.

We topped off the day with a Dungeness crab feast as we sailed through Frederick Sound.