We arrived at Philpots Island, the largest of Devon Island’s offshore islands, where we put a fleet of Zodiacs into the water and cruised along the exposed rocky shore. We spotted a small herd of walruses (or is it a “pod” of walruses? Or a “huddle”?) hauled out on rocks close to the water’s edge. We were also treated to sightings of harp seals and feeding arctic terns, diving for food around us.

After these fantastic sightings, we traveled across Bethune Inlet and to check out some of the icebergs that recently calved from the huge glacier descending from the Cunningham Mountains.

After a spectacular morning, we returned to the comfort of the ship to spend the rest of the day at sea, listening to fascinating talks by cultural specialist Tua Pittman and Global Perspectives guest speaker Jared Diamond, all the while heading toward our next exciting adventure.