We started in Marayali Caño, this river takes its name from the two rivers that formed it: the Ucayali and the Marañon. We explored the area from our skiffs and got to see several species of birds, but the highlight of the morning was the squirrel monkeys—we got to see them feeding from nectar of Amasiza Tree’s flowers. At this time of the year this tree has amazing orange and yellow blooms that attract these charismatic monkeys. 

We came back for breakfast and got ready for a very interesting and different visit: San Francisco Community. This is a very colorful little town where we got to learn about the work of Minga Peru. This organization is working to prepare female leaders in the communities of the Amazon, these leaders learn about sustainable agriculture and fishing, and especially the key part of the program is the empowerment of these women! All of this learning of course will influence their families and therefore their community. After spending time with the villagers and learning about how they live we came back on board for a typical Peruvian lunch.

In the afternoon we moved to a different place, this time the Delfin II took us to Clavero Lake. We left for a refreshing swim in the river and then came back to explore this area either with our skiffs or with our kayaks. I went in a kayak and I have to tell you that from there you can see nature in a different way, I enjoyed some relaxing time listening to the birds calls and the squirrel monkeys in their endeavors, and on my way back to the main river I was surrounded by gray dolphins! I looked around me and I was by myself with these animals! The only sound was their blows just a couple of feet from me! Sunset was in its best! It all look surreal… an Amazonian dream!