Intro: Today was the last full day of our incredible expedition from Sitka to Juneau. We have seen brown bear mothers with her cubs, wild salmon, colorful wildflowers, humpback whales bubble net feeding and more. This morning we completed our journey by spending the day with ice, the one thing it had been missing. National Geographic Sea Lion entered Tracy Arm while most of us were sleeping, so we woke to the view of scenic fjords with small chunks of ice floating past our cabin windows. Then in the afternoon, we had the opportunity to do the polar plunge, jumping off a Zodiac into the brisk Alaskan water and quickly swim the fjord. Energy was high and the swim got the whole ship excited! By the evening, we knew it was time to start planning our departure. Our time spent in Alaska was filled with fortunate moments. I believe we will all begin planning our next trip soon enough.