We woke to sunshine! Well, a little, anyway, and that increased throughout the morning. This was ideal for our morning activity of a Zodiac cruise in Bellsund by two large glaciers. As well as beautiful glacier views, we also had lots of ice in the water to drive through, a tern colony on a small island near the glacier, and several bearded seals resting on icebergs and cruising through the water.

Our afternoon was just a short ship cruise to Poolypynten, a regular haul-out site for walruses. We were in luck today because a pretty large group of walruses were there, resting on the spit of land. Several were also seen splashing by the water’s edge to cool down and some more arriving after what was likely a long feeding session.

While everyone was ashore looking at walrus, what were the divers doing? We were off diving! We found a pretty sandy seabed at around 40 feet with lots and lots of hermit crabs, sea snails, anemones, tiny gobies and various worms. It was a pretty fascinating dive, especially with a good macro lens to really capture the detail.