If there’s one place in the world where you can bet on having a white Christmas, it’s here on the white continent! What a magical day, filled with incredible views, wildlife, and even a plunge into the frigid, ice-filled waters of this wild and wondrous place. 

After another delicious breakfast, served up by our extraordinary team in the galley, our morning started off in Zodiacs exploring the Yalour Islands. The islands are named after Lieutenant Jorge Yalour, an Argentine Navy officer of the corvette Uruguay, which came to the rescue of the shipwrecked Swedish Antarctic Expedition in November 1903. As we pushed our way through a fairly heavy concentration of glacial and sea ice, we found crabeater seals resting atop the floes, gentoo and Adélie penguins, and also a minke whale.

The energy among our guests hit an all-time high in the afternoon when many of the brave souls aboard took part in our polar plunge! The numbers vary from trip to trip, but we may have broken a record today with 104 guests taking part.

We finished off the day with blue skies and sunshine in Charcot Bay as the crew’s infamous band, the “Spice Boys,” rocked us into the night!