Waking up early to smooth seas and blue skies helps to create a sense of excitement for the next stage of our expedition, our adventures towards the Falkland Islands.

Many of us have spent the morning capturing photos of albatrosses and other seabirds from the stern of the ship.  The milder conditions and sunny weather are a welcome treat for spending time in the company of these majestic ocean faring species.

With presentations by James Hyde on “Biomimicry” and Elise Lockton on the “Race to the Pole,” we enjoyed a relaxing morning in the comfort of the Ice Lounge with coffee, tea, and good company.

In the afternoon a few more of us were on edge as we joined the photo team in the Ice Lounge for the expedition Photo Critique. A little roasting does nobody any harm, and it was full of fun and laughter all around, whist also being a valuable lesson in the art of photography from some of the best in their field.

This sunny evening, we arrived at Blanco Bay on the approach to Stanley, the capital of the Falklands.  Our ship was accompanied by a small group of Commerson’s dolphins, identified by their distinctive black and white markings.  Everyone is excited to meet more of the wild inhabitants of this remote South American archipelago.