The weather has been so good with us, any rain just few drizzle and mostly sunny day on the “Rain-Forest” and this morning was not the exception. We had breakfast to start our day at six o’clock and then at seven am we departure to Belluda, a long-narrow creek where the birds are abundant; as soon as we initiated our exploration we spotted few lettered aracaris and chestnut-eared aracaris eating on some local fruits. The sound of macaws was heard everywhere; we were very lucky to spot three types of them, blue and yellow macaw, scarlet macaw, and the red and green macaw. Also, we found Isabel Saki monkeys, saddle back tamarind monkeys. One of my highlights was to find a very pretty bird, which is considered one of the most beautiful ones in the world; it is known as the seven colors bird and indeed! The blue, red, green, black, purple, yellow and grey iridescent colors make them a very spectacular creature: The paradise tanager.

Later in the afternoon we went to explore “El Dorado River” At first was raining but later the weather was benevolent with us; This river is black waters and meets the Ucayali river which waters are muddy soar of brownish color. Black water is rich in nutrients and many fish come to eat at the meeting of these two types of waters; consequently river cetaceans too. We stopped in this water encountering for few minutes to appreciate the beauty of grey and pink dolphins; they were feeding and showing off, giving us a magnificent experience. River up we started to see many blue and yellow macaws on the canopy, and other kind of birds such as, parakeets, jacamars and caciques, Hawks, among others. One of the most seen bird in the upper amazon is precisely the amazon king fisher who flights always along the riverbanks looking for its prey.

Around 6: 00 pm we started to return to our ship, from the distance we see our home lit up, on the side of the main river. In the Amazon there is no place to drop anchor, so our boat beach on the riverbanks and one of our intrepid crew member jumps into the jungle with a machete in one of his hands to cut the dense vegetation and to find a tree to tie up to, it is a great experience to our guests to wake up every day surrounded by trees and birds and to finish our day with the same experience. The sunset is beautiful as the majority of the days, the orange sky reflects on the water with the green of the jungle, giving us every evening an astonishing scenario. Pisco Sour, the most popular drink in Peru, is the perfect excuse to celebrate another wonderful day in this remote place on earth.