The final morning of our expedition found us at Boca de Soledad, a birthing ground for gray whales. Here we embarked in pangas under cool gray skies in search of the whales, but many colorful birds stole the show on this particular day. Double-crested cormorants and brown pelicans, their faces ablaze with a rainbow of breeding plumage, strutted their stuff for guests. Many delighted in the cormorants, magnificent frigatebirds, and bald eagles of the coast gathering nesting materials. And, of course, the whales did not fail to deliver their own theatrics; many spy-hopped clear of the swell and into our hearts.

Following a return trip through the Hull Canal, we hiked through dunes to Sand Dollar Beach. A treasure trove of oceanic goodies, the beach delighted with a bounty of sand dollars, clam shells, and bones from desert creatures left to age under the unrelenting Baja sun.

We now eagerly await the premiere of our guest slideshow, courtesy of Photo Instructor Alex Rubenstein, which will highlight the week’s adventures through the eyes of those that made it possible.