Every trip to Antarctica begins with at least one day at sea. We left Argentina through the Beagle Channel after yesterday’s embarkation. Late at night, after most of us were already in bed, we began to feel the ship’s movement: a sure sign that we had reached the Drake Passage.

We kept a light program today to give everyone a chance to adjust to life on the ocean, but we still offered many planned and unplanned activities. In the planned category: films about Antarctica, a presentation about seabirds, another about geology, wonderful meals, and our first recap.

In the unplanned category: the beautiful turquoise shades of the ship’s wake, learning how to find both the chart room (hot chocolate!) and the bridge (best views), and more royal and wandering albatrosses than we see on many of our crossings.

It was a wonderful sight for the staff to observe so many people on the aft deck learning to identify and appreciate seabirds. Guests asked many questions about the days ahead, which heightened the spirit of excitement for everyone.

It is common for seafarers to wonder where they are going and when they will arrive, but of course, the journey had already begun. The Drake Passage is as special as any other location we will visit together in the next ten days.