South Georgia

Hey! Hey, you guys! I see you back there. Don’t walk away from me. I need some help here. Have you seen my mom? No? Are you sure? You can’t miss her. She’s about eight feet long with huge eyes and weighs about 1500 pounds. Don’t look at me like that! She’s gorgeous in my eyes. Anyway, she’s gone missing, and I’m getting awfully hungry. Look, my skin’s practically rolling off of me. No, that’s not fat! It’s where my fat is SUPPOSED to be. Why, just over a week ago I was close to 300 pounds of lean, mean squid-eatin’ machine. Well, that’s what mom said anyway; before she disappeared. I don’t know what squid is though, so I’m not real sure what she meant by that. I just know that she gave me 10 meals a day for three weeks straight and then suddenly…POOF, she vanished. You don’t have a CSI unit on that ship you sailed in on, do you?

Seriously though, do you have any food on you--specifically, any yummy 54 percent milk? That’s the good stuff, let me tell you. You can’t get this kind of physique without the proper nutrition, you know. Nothing, huh? Well, what about all your friends in the red coats? Oh, they don’t have any either, huh? Well, you guys do look awfully skinny. Is that why you are here, are you looking for something to eat too? What’s that? I should go look for food in the sea? Are you kidding me?! Do you have any idea how cold it is in there? No sir-ree, I’ll just wait here for mom. I’m sure she’s just gone for some more milk or something.

What do you mean, “you don’t think she’s coming back?” What kind of mother would just leave me here? Well, yeah, I suppose she has to eat too now that you mention it. Squid, huh? Where do I get that? There you go again with the sea. Listen, if you think that’s such a great idea, why don’t YOU just swim out get yourself something to eat, Slim?! Look, I’m sure squid’s all well and good, but I wouldn’t know a squid from you…wait, what exactly are you anyway? How do you taste?

Oh c’mon, I’m only kidding! Come back. Okay well, it was nice talking with you. I hope you find something to eat soon. Yes, I saw some king penguins just up the beach. Watch out for those fur seals though; man, do they have a SERIOUS attitude problem. Oh, and if you see my mom, send her back my way will ya? Bye, have a great time here at South Georgia!