Early in the morning we had a wonderful outing to one of the most visited sites in Galapagos, the island of Bartolome. Bartolome is home to the one and only Pinnacle Rock which towers over a perfect blue cove. After hiking the more than 300 wooden stairs, we observed a breathtaking volcanic landscape. Another excursion took us along the coast of Bartolome searching for the Galapagos penguin. We were lucky enough to find one standing on the top of a rock, giving us a great opportunity for pictures.

At lunch time, National Geographic Islander II sailed toward our next adventure, Santa Cruz Island, where we expected to find the beautiful, yellow Galapagos land iguanas. As we walked along the rocky path, the first iguana was spotted resting in the middle of the trail. This provided another wonderful opportunity for pictures. But, a marvelous event was still to come! On our way back onboard, a huge flock of Galapagos shearwaters were in the middle of a feeding frenzy. It was a captivating sight.