Guests arose to the beautiful landscape of Careening Bay, including clear skies and flat seas. Wellness specialist Belinda once again offered sunrise stretching on Deck 6; this activity is a crowd favourite. The most avid birdwatches ate breakfast at first light and were on the water shortly after sunrise. Led by Doctor Pepper, ship ornithologist, guests patrolled the beach, mangroves, and bushland of Careening Bay in hopes of glimpsing the resident Aves whilst also paying a visit to the renowned mermaid boabs. Their early efforts were rewarded with many great sightings. Some of the most noteworthy included the brown goshawk, black cockatoos, and rainbow pittas. Following the return of the twitchers, the remaining guests ventured out to see the famous boabs and cycads and to admire an active bower.

Back on board, Lorenzo and his galley team prepared a delicious pizza buffet amidst other tantalizing dishes. Following lunch, Erin delivered her presentation on saltwater crocodiles, “Fear and Fascination.” After a short interlude, Doctor Pepper presented his talk on bird morphology and adaptations. As the day’s colors began to fade, guests were shuttled over to Naturalist Island to enjoy their evening appetizers ashore. A rare sighting of a ghost bat was one of the talking points for the evening. The hotel team provided an abundance of drinks and aperitifs whilst we watched the sun set over the horizon, just beyond the bow of National Geographic Orion. All guest returned to the ship sated by the day and ready for tomorrow’s adventure.