Today we visited the island of Futuna, which is part of the French Overseas Territory of Wallis and Futuna. We were greeted by the locals, and we explored several sites on the island.

First, we went to an archaeological site. Next, we visited an incredible communal taro plantation made up of several terraces which extend across the area’s foothill.

We stopped at the Cathedral of Poi, a temple built at the place where Saint Pierre Chanel was martyred. He became the only Catholic saint in Polynesia. We tried incredible local food and observed a warrior dance.

During the afternoon, we enjoyed the tranquil waters and lush forest of Alofi Island. This place has been uninhabited for more than a hundred years and is considered an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International. Our guests snorkeled along the healthy reef, enjoyed exploring in kayaks, and relaxed on the white sand beach.