Nestled in the narrowest part of the Columbia River Gorge, National Geographic Sea Bird sailed from the sagebrush-step system to a temperate rainforest. We arrived at Hood River, the ultimate playground for wind lovers and recreationalists from Washington and Oregon. Guests visited the majestic 620-ft Multnomah Falls, then crossed the river to climb 52 switchbacks up Beacon Rock — the 880-ft volcanic plug that inspired Lewis and Clark to forge on to the Pacific Ocean in 1805. Another group enjoyed tasty appetizers, pFriem beer, and Syncline wine tastings at the gorgeous Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center. The tastes of the gorge set the scene for our final transit through Bonneville Dam and Lock; accompanied by bubbles and a festive playlist, it encouraged a mini dance party on the bow of National Geographic Sea Bird! Wine expert Eric Degerman delivered a talk on Lewis and Clark’s Trail to World No.1 Wine, followed by recap and dinner. The evening culminated in trivia night, to cap off our epic journey down the mighty Columbia River!

Photographers: Patrick MacQuarrie, River Historian and Naturalist, and Maria Cecilla Alzamora Mac, Guest