Waking up on International Women’s Day, we cruised into Adventure Sound in the Falkland Islands. We were surrounded by black-browed albatrosses and giant petrels with the blows of sei whales in the distance.

Our day began with a morning Zodiac ride to Bleaker Island, a farmed island that is home to many species of seabirds, songbirds, and vultures. Owner Nick described the successes they have had in the past four years in eradicating introduced rats from the island, resulting in a thriving ecosystem of birdlife.

Stretching our legs during a walk, we hiked several miles to a colony of rockhopper penguins, ticking off the seventh penguin species of our trip, with some guests lucky enough to spot a Magellanic penguin as their eighth species. We enjoyed watching the molting adults as they sat atop a cliff overlooking the sound.

In the afternoon, we celebrated International Women’s Day by honoring all the amazing women of Antarctica, including those on our expedition team, crew, and Bridge team. Without them, we couldn’t have these amazing experiences.